Emudreams(1996) NEWS FROM 60 DAYS MUSEUM

WinUAE 4.5.0 beta13 [1096][witek], 2020-12-21 21:24:07

[Source: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=104099&page=17]

Final release will be delayed to beginning of 2021. Voodoo 3 and blitter updates (chip schematics "leaked") caused unexpected delay.

Beta 13:

- PCI Voodoo 3 3000 emulation from PCem.
- Fixed existing PCI bridge emulation memory mapped space address calculations (previous PCI boards were all IO only)
- According to Alice schematics, AGA delays blitter finished signal until last D write is done (2 cycles later, only if not line mode and D is enabled). Previous chipsets clear blitter busy (and trigger interrupt) when last D write still pending.
- Added GVP G-Force040. Basically same as G-Force030 (same ROM, same memory config), different internal GVP hardware ID.
- Fixed GUI debugger hang if something was selected in debugger and then focus was changed.
- MAST Fireball DMA address pointer handling fix, some address nybbles were decoded incorrectly. (I did say it has really strange DMA address pointer setup)
- PCem RTG boards didnt always refresh screen fully when switching modes.
- b12 blitter fixes, start up delay was 1 cycle too long, idle cycle before final D write does not need to be free cycle.
- b12 blitter fixes, blitter fill mode setup missed some conditions.
- Mainboard RAM settings disappeared in b11.
- GD5446 (Picasso IV) blitter fix, "Invert Color Expand Source Sense" bit was not handled correctly in all blitter modes. (For example caused MUI 3.8 "REGISTER NOW" window corruption)

Vooodoo 3 3000 details: (Discussion thread here: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?p=1447598)
- 16M VRAM (max supported) First hardware emulated board that supports full HD at 32-bit.
- PCI board, PCI bridgeboard must be also configured.
- BIOS ROM seems to be required (at least Mediator Voodoo Picasso96 driver reads some data from BIOS), currently must be in ROM path and named voodoo3.rom. Must be from PCI Voodoo 3 3000.
- Native/RTG switching is implemented by checking status of SVGA screen blank bit. Might not always work correctly.
- Hardware accelerated 3D confirmed working. (This is also partially JIT accelerated so it should be much faster than CV643D)
- PCI to PCI DMA supported, compatible with Voodoo 3 + SB128 or FM801 sound card Mediator DMA hack.

NOTE: At least Cirrus logic based chipsets have JIT related problems (weird looking corruption if JIT is enabeld).