Emudreams(1996) NEWS FROM 60 DAYS MUSEUM

Supermodel 0.3 WIP SVN828 [1096][witek], 2020-09-15 23:52:10

[Source: http://www.emu-france.com/news/64738-arcade-supermodel-wip-x86-x64-v0-3a-r828/]

- Fixed a longstanding bug that caused stereo channels to be flipped incorrectly.
This was due to the initial audio buffer write position being aligned to the middle of a 4 byte (2 byte left, 2 byte right) audio sample.
In multi-threaded mode, some sort of race condition caused this alignment to be fixed until audio playback was temporarily paused (via pausing, loading a state, etc.)
Audio playback should now be fixed and work consistently in all cases.
- Balance initial value set to « 0 » rather than « false ». « False » is interpreted as 0 when decoded as a float, so there will be no effect here, but this expresses the intended logic better.
- Fix missing polys with quad renderer
- Fix compiling with visual studio
-Remove using namespace from headers.

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